Privacy Policy

Welcome to Site Council's Privacy Policy. This Privacy Policy describes how Site Council collects, uses and discloses information about users of its website, content, applications, services, tools and features. Please read this Privacy Policy carefully. 


This summary of the policy will give you a quick view of our practices. Please take the time to read the full policy.


This policy applies to Personally Identifiable Information we collect on the Website, including through forms on the Website and electronic communications between you and the Website. We can change, update or otherwise modify this policy by providing you with proper notice, as detailed in the Applicability of This Policy section of this policy. Read more

Personally Identifiable Information That We Collect

We collect Personally Identifiable Information such as your name, employer and email address. Read more

How We Collect Personally Identifiable Information Related to You

We collect Personally Identifiable Information related to you that you provide through your use of our Services. We also collect Personally Identifiable Information based on your use of the Website by using third-party analytics and marketing automation services and cookies. Read more

How We Use the Personally Identifiable Information

We use the Personally Identifiable Information related to you solely for the purposes mentioned in this policy, among which are improving our Services, contacting you, supporting clinical studies, complying with applicable laws, and preventing fraud. Read more

Transfer of Personally Identifiable Information Outside Your Territory

We use cloud-based services to store and process data in the United States. We make sure that our data hosting services provide us with adequate security and confidentiality commitments. Read more

Sharing Personally Identifiable Information with Others

We share Personally Identifiable Information related to you with our service providers, subject to such service providers’ undertakings to process such information in accordance with this Privacy Policy and as permitted by applicable data protection laws; we may transfer information in the framework of a corporate transaction; and we share the information on support of conduct studies. Read more

Your Controls and Choice

You may opt out of (a) data transfers to third parties that are not mentioned under this policy and (b) the processing of the Personally Identifiable Information related to you for purposes other than those mentioned under this policy. Our Service does not respond to Do Not Track (DNT) signals. Read more

Data Security and Integrity

We implement systems, applications and procedures to secure your personally identifiable information, to minimize the risks of unauthorized access, disclosure and modification. Read more

How Long We Keep Your Personal Information

We retain data to comply with our legal obligations and to provide our Services, as further explained in the data retention section of the policy. Read more

Children Under 13

The services available on the Website are intended for persons 18 years of age and older. Any individual who requires information about any of our services must be 18 years of age and over. We do not knowingly collect, use or disclose Personal Information from a minor under the age of 18, without obtaining prior consent from a person with parental responsibility through direct off-line contact. Read more

Your EU Rights

If you are an EU resident, you are entitled to certain rights with respect to our processing of Personally Identifiable Information related to you, as further detailed in the Your EU Rights section of this policy. Read more

California Consumer Privacy Act

If you are a California resident, you are entitled to specific privacy rights. Read more

Accessing or Correcting the Personally Identifiable Information Related to You

At any time, you may request access to, correct or delete any Personally Identifiable Information related to you that you have provided to us. Read more

Contact Us

For further information, contact us at, by phone at +1 (650) 465-0119, or by mail at Site Council, Attn: Support, 2249 Sutter St., San Francisco, California 94115. USARead more

The Applicability of This Policy

This policy does not apply to information collected by us, offline or through any other means, including information collected through any other electronic means or by any other website specified by us or a third party; or by any other third party, including through any application or content (including advertising) that may link to or be available from the Website.


If the changes have minor, if any, consequences, they will take effect seven days after we notify you. Substantial changes will be effective 30 days after we initially posted or sent you the notice. If we need to adapt the policy to new legal requirements, the new policy will become effective immediately or as required by law.

Until a new policy takes effect, if it materially reduces the protection of your privacy right under the then-existing policy, you can choose not to accept it and terminate your use of the Services. Continuing to use the Website after the new policy takes effect means that you agree to the new policy.

The Personally Identifiable Information That We Collect

We collect certain information about you to provide you with the Services and use such information to meet legal, statutory and contractual obligations.

We will not use information collected about you for any other purpose without your consent, other than for the purposes specified in this Privacy Policy or where there is a legal requirement to do so.

When you use the Services, we collect certain information about you (“Information”) in the following forms:

  • “Personally Identifiable Information,” which means information that identifies you (either directly or indirectly), including:

    • Full Name

    • Date of Birth

    • Age

    • Zip Code

    • Personal Email or Business Email

    • Business, Home or Mobile Telephone Number

    • Health/Medical Information

  • “Aggregate Information,” which means information that does not directly or indirectly identify and cannot reasonably be used to identify you.

How Do We Collect the Personally Identifiable Information Related to You?

We collect Information in the following ways:

  • Use of the Services. We collect Personal Information that you provide to us when you input information into the Services; request products, services or information from us; or otherwise interact with us or the Services.

  • Web Analytics and Marketing Automation. We use third parties’ analytics tools to better understand who is using the Services, how people are using the Services and how to improve the effectiveness of the Services and its content. We also use third-party marketing automation tools to help us with our marketing efforts. The privacy practices of these third-party companies are subject to their own privacy policies. Please read these policies at From time to time, we will change our analytics and marketing service providers and will provide additional information about these services when we update this policy. These service providers use cookies, pixel tags, or other technologies to collect and store Information, such as time of visit, pages visited, time spent on each page of the Website, device identifiers, type of operating system used, and other website(s) you may have visited.

  • They may combine information they collect from your interaction with the Services with Personal Information they collect from other sources. We do not combine the information collected through the use of analytics services with your Personal Information. You can prevent analytics and marketing automation services from recognizing you on return visits to our Website by disabling third-party cookies on your web browser.

  • Online Forms. When we collect your Personal Information, it is secured in our database.

  • Website Cookies. We and our analytics and marketing automation service providers collect information about you. This information may include the internet protocol (IP) address that your device used, the time and length of your visit, the pages you looked at on our Website, and the site you visited just before coming to ours. We use this information only to measure Website activity and to develop ideas for improving our Website.

Do Not Track

Do Not Track (DNT) is a privacy preference that users can set in some web browsers, allowing users to opt out of tracking by websites and online services. Our Services do not respond to Do Not Track (DNT) signals.

How We Use the Personally Identifiable Information

Site Council takes your privacy seriously and will only use your Personal Information for the purposes specified in this Privacy Policy or where there is a legal requirement to do so. We retain your Personal Information only for as long as is necessary and for the purposes specified in this Privacy Policy.

The purposes and reasons for processing your Personal Information are detailed below:

  • We use your Personal Information to provide you with the Services, to make it better, and to continue developing the Services.

  • We use your Personal Information to contact you, respond to your questions, or to provide you with the information you requested.

  • We will use your Personal Information to enforce our terms, policies and legal agreements.

  • We will use your Personal Information to comply with court orders and warrants, and to assist law enforcement agencies.

  • We will use your Personal Information to prevent fraud, misappropriation, infringements, identity theft, cyber security attacks, and any other misuse of your Personal Information and the Services.

  • We will use your Personal Information to take any action in any legal dispute or proceeding.

  • We will retain your Personal Information only for as long as necessary for the purposes specified in this Privacy Policy, where you have consented to us providing you with information, or for marketing. You are free to withdraw this consent at any time and unsubscribe from our mailing lists or newsletters, by sending an opt-out request to

Transfer of Information Outside Your Territory

We will store and process your Personal Information in the United States on our cloud-based services’ sites. From time to time, we will make operational decisions that will have an impact on the sites in which we maintain personally identifiable information. We make sure that our data hosting service providers provide us with adequate confidentiality and security commitments. If you are a resident in a jurisdiction where transfer of your Personal Information to another jurisdiction requires your consent, then you provide us your express and unambiguous consent to such transfer.

To the extent required under EU data protection laws, transfer of personal data to our US hosting service providers is governed by our hosting services’ EU-US Privacy Shield certification.

To the extent necessary under EU privacy laws and regulations, we implement additional data onward transfer instruments, such as the Controller to Controller standard contractual clauses.

Sharing the Personally Identifiable Information with Others

The ways in which we share your Information include the following:

  • When we contract or partner with a third-party to provide services on our behalf, including Services development and maintenance. We require all third parties to process your Information in accordance with this Privacy Policy and as permitted by applicable data protection laws.

  • When we share Personal Information with third parties in connection with the sale of our business (including merger, acquisition or sale of all or a material portion of our assets, change in corporate control, or insolvency or bankruptcy proceedings).

  • When we share Aggregate Information with third parties; however, we use industry-standard measures and appropriate technical and legal guidance to make sure that such information does not likely identify you.

Your Controls and Choices

We provide you the ability to exercise certain controls and choices regarding our collection, use and sharing of your information, including the right to request access to the Personal Information we hold about you and that we amend, if you find that your Personal Information is not accurate, complete or up-to-date, or delete it.

At any time, you can exercise your following opt-out options:

  • object to the transfer of your Personal Information to a third-party, other than to third-parties who help us perform tasks as explained in this policy, or,

  • object to the use of your Personal Information for a purpose that is materially different from the purposes for which we originally collected such information under this Privacy Policy, or from the purposes that you have authorized at a later stage.

At any time following your opt-out request, we can remove or de-identify your Personal Information altogether and request that you stop using the Website.

Following the termination or expiration of the Services, we will stop collecting any Personal Information from or about you. However, we will store and continue using or making your Personal Information available according to this Privacy Policy's data retention section.

You may exercise your controls and choices or request access to your Personal Information by modifying your profile, by contacting us at, or by following instructions provided in communications sent to you.

We will need to ask you to provide us certain credentials to make sure that you are who you claim to be and, to the extent required under the applicable law, we will make good-faith efforts to locate the Personal Information that you request to access.

We can delete your Personal Information by removing any identifying information and transforming personally identifiable information that relates to you into anonymized information.

If you do not allow us to collect Personal Information from you, we may not be able to deliver certain services to you, and some of our services may not be able to take into account your interests and preferences. If you have questions regarding the specific Personal Information about you that we process or retain, please contact us at

Data Security and Integrity

The security, integrity and confidentiality of your Personal Information are important to us.

We have implemented technical, administrative and physical security measures that are designed to protect your Personal Information from unauthorized access, disclosure, use and modification, including SSL, TLS, encryption, pseudonymization, restricted access, two-factor authentication, firewalls and anti-virus/malware.

From time to time, we review our security procedures to consider appropriate new technology and methods. However, despite our best efforts, no security measures are perfect or impenetrable and we cannot guarantee that the Services will be immune from any wrongdoings, malfunctions, unlawful interceptions or access, or other kinds of abuse and misuse.

The safety and security of your Personal Information also depends on you.

How Long We Keep Your Personal Information

Site Council retains Personal Information as needed to comply with our legal obligations and we have strict review and retention policies in place to meet these obligations.

In any case, as long as we use your Personal Information to provide our Services, we will keep the information about you unless the law requires us to delete it, or if we decide to remove it at our discretion, according to the terms of this Privacy Policy.

If we retain your Personal Information for any legitimate business purpose other than to provide the Services, we will make efforts to limit access to such information and keep the retention time to a minimum.

We will keep aggregated, non-identifiable information without limitation, and, to the extent reasonable, we will delete or de-identify potentially identifiable information when we no longer need to process the information.

Children Under 13

The services available on this Website are intended for persons 18 years of age and older. Any individual who requires information about any of our services must be at least 18 years old.

We do not knowingly collect, use or disclose Personal Information from a minor under the age of 18 without obtaining prior consent from a person with parental responsibility through direct off-line contact.

We provide the parent or guardian with notice of the specific types of Personal Information being collected from the minor and the opportunity to object to any further collection, use and storage of such information.

We abide by the laws designed to protect children. If we become aware that we have unknowingly collected Personal Information from persons under the age of 13, we will make commercially reasonable efforts to delete such information from our database.

If you are the parent or guardian of a minor child who has provided us with Personal Information, you may contact us at to request it be deleted.

Your EU Rights

Our processing of your personal data is based on the following lawful grounds:

  • All processing of your personal data that is not based on the lawful grounds indicated below is based on your consent.

  • We process your personal data to comply with legal obligations and to protect your and others’ vital interests.

  • We further rely on our legitimate interests, which we believe are not overridden by your fundamental rights and freedoms, for the following purposes:

    • Communications with you, including direct marketing, when you use our Services or make contact with us through the Website or other digital assets

    • Cyber security

    • Support, customer relations, Services and Website operations

    • Enhancements and improvements of user experience with the Services and Website

    • Fraud detection and misuse of the Services and Website

You have the right to access any personal information that Site Council processes about you and to request information about:

  • What personal data we hold about you

  • The purposes of the processing

  • The categories of personal data concerned

  • The recipients to whom the personal data has/will be disclosed

  • How long we intend to store your personal data

  • If we did not collect the data directly from you, information about the source

If you believe that we hold any incomplete or inaccurate data about you, you have the right to ask us to correct and/or complete the information, and we will strive to do so as quickly as possible unless there is a valid reason for not doing so, at which point you will be notified. You also have the right to request the erasure of your personal data or to restrict processing (where applicable) in accordance with the data protection laws, as well as to object to any direct marketing from us (additional information about this right is available under “Your Controls and Choices” section in this Privacy Policy). Where applicable, you have the right to data portability of your information and the right to be informed about any automated decision-making we may use. You have a right to lodge a complaint with a data protection supervisory authority of your habitual residence or place of work or of an alleged infringement of the GDPR. These requests can be made via email to If we receive a request from you to exercise any of the above rights, we will need to reasonably authenticate your identity and location. We will ask you to provide us with credentials to make sure that you are who you claim to be and will ask you questions to understand the nature and scope of your request.

California Consumer Privacy Act – Information for California Consumers

This section provides specific information for California residents (“consumers”), as required under California privacy laws, and is intended to satisfy the California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”), which requires that we provide certain information to consumers about how we handle certain personal information that we have collected.

Personal Information That We Collect

We have collected the following categories of personal information from consumers within the last twelve (12) months:

  • Identifiers and Personal Information categories listed in the California Customer Records statute (Cal. Civ. Code § 1798.80(e)). These include names, zip codes, telephone numbers, email addresses, Internet Protocol addresses, and business email addresses.

  • Internet or other electronic network activity information, including, but not limited to, browsing history, search history, and information regarding a consumer’s interaction with the Website.

  • Inferences drawn from any of the information identified above to create a profile about a consumer reflecting the consumer’s preferences and characteristics.

Categories of Sources for Personal Information

We obtain the categories of personal information listed above from the following categories of sources:

  • Directly and indirectly from you when you visit the Website.

  • Third parties as further detailed above.

Purposes for which Personal Information is Used

The categories of personal information described above are collected and disclosed for the purposes detailed under the section titled “How We Use Your Information” above.

Our Use and Disclosure Practices

We disclose personal information to third parties for business purposes as described above under the section titled “Sharing Data with Third Parties” in this Privacy Policy.

In the preceding twelve (12) months, we have disclosed the following categories of personal information for business purposes:

  • Identifiers;

  • Internet or other similar network activity;

  • Inferences.

In the preceding twelve (12) months, we have not sold your personal information.

Subject to certain exceptions, you have the right to make the following requests, at no charge, up to twice every 12 months:

  • Deletion. The right to request deletion of the personal information that we have collected about you, subject to certain exemptions, and to have such personal information deleted.

  • Right to Know. The right to request that we disclose certain information about how we have handled your personal information in the previous 12 months, including:

    • Categories of personal information collected

    • Categories of sources of personal information collected

    • Business and/or commercial purposes for collecting and selling your personal information

    • Categories of third parties with whom we have disclosed or shared your personal information

    • Categories of personal information that we have disclosed or shared with a third party for a business purpose

    • Categories of third parties to whom the consumer’s personal information has been shared

    • The specific pieces of personal information we collect from you

Submitting Requests

You can submit a deletion or right-to-know request by calling us at +1 (650) 465-0119 or by emailing us at We will respond to verifiable requests received from California consumers as required by law. We will also ask you for additional information necessary to verify or process your request. We may also carry out checks, including with third-party identity verification services, to verify your identity before taking any action with your personal information. We will respond substantively to your verifiable requests within 45 days unless additional time (up to 45 additional days) is needed, in which case we will let you know. If we determine that your request warrants a fee, we will inform you of the reasons for such decision and provide you with a cost estimate before completing your request.

Accessing or Correcting Your Information

You may email us at to request access to, correct or delete any personal information that you have provided to us. We may not accommodate a request to change information if we believe the change would violate any law or legal requirement or cause the information to be incorrect.

If we need to delete your personal data following your request, it will take some time until we completely delete residual copies of your personal data from our active servers and from our backup systems.

Contact Us

For any questions regarding the way in which we collect and process your Personal Information or this Privacy Policy, you may contact us by sending an email to, by calling us at +1 (650) 465-0119, or by mail at Site Council, Attn: Support, 2249 Sutter St., San Francisco, California 94115 USA.