Budgets & Payments

FMV concepts justify premium pricing for high-performing sites. Instead, study sponsors and CROs often misuse them to negotiate study budgets down to commodity levels.

  • To view an article that explains how FMV actually works, click here.
  • To view an article explaining how to calculate FMV based on a site's performance, click here.
  • To view an FMV legal opinion letter, click here.
  • To obtain an FMV toolkit, contact us at support@sitecouncil.org.

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The American Medical Association maintains an index of clinical tests and procedures: Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) codes. Study budgets may also include non-standard clinical tests and procedures, as well as activities, such as training, that do not have CPT codes because they are not clinical tests or procedures. Clinical Research Terminology (CRT) codes cover hundreds of investigative site activities without CPT codes, including routine, hidden and overhead costs. To read an article about Site Council CRT codes, click here. To access Site Council CRT codes, click here

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